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  • Successfully developed in the machine bearings bearings products

      Precision machine tool rotary table with three rows of roller bearings(YRT Series)because of its complicated structure,high precision and difficult process and other reasons,has been abroad a  Do not dominated by well-known bearing manufacturers,as the machine tool industry,domestic and international market demand for such products become increasingly more.Luoyang Bearing Division of Machine  Technology Co.,Ltd.based on its technical superiority,through domestic and international technology and market research,lots of manpower and material resources,strong research and development of this  Products.After nearly two years of research and development research,has been successfully developed YRT120,YRT150,YRT325,YRT395,YRT580,YRT650 etc.  More than ten kinds of products,the product has successfully passed the relevant departments to detect and successfully entered the domestic and foreign host market,well received by users.

    2008-03-12 More+
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